Cracking will usually begin as the asphalt begins to harden, or what we know as “aging” and “age-hardening,” when it starts to become a noticeably lighter gray in color. Small cracks in the asphalt begin and slowly start to worsen as the asphalt continues to harden. When water makes its way into the asphalt through these openings subbase erosion begins and weakens the foundation of asphalt, leading to further cracking above.
Potholes are the result of cracking that was not taken care of, leading the pavement to fail completely and expose the aggregate beneath it. Potholes usually pose as liability issues for vehicle suspension damage, or tripping hazards in walkways.
Upheavals / Root Cracks
Like the name above, the most common reason for upheavals are roots of nearby trees forcing the subbase up and causing cracks in the asphalt above. The common treatment for this is to cut off the offending roots and replace the asphalt, but this will put the tree at risk. For any questions concerning possible upheavals, call us at
Sink Holes
Sinkholes are depressions in the ground caused by some form of collapse in the surface layers. Sometimes the addition of asphalt and surface level demands can reveal these weaknesses in the ground in the form of sinkholes. Specific structures will be needed to repair these damages.