Asphalt Paving & Sealing Tips


Asphalt Paving & Sealing Tips

Asphalt pavement can last up to twenty years, and there are paving and sealing tips to keep it in good condition for as long as possible. Your local experienced paving company can maintain your pavement with sealing and repair services to keep it stable and safe, as well as add years to the life of your asphalt, whether that’s a driveway or parking lot.

In Richmond CA, Advance Asphalt Inc is this experienced paving company. We have decades of experience keeping pavement in California looking good, and we can bring that expertise to bear on your property. Here’s some of our proven asphalt paving and sealing techniques to extend pavement life.

3 Top Asphalt Paving & Sealing Tips

Proper Drainage

Water can damage asphalt like nothing else, and keeping water off the pavement prevents cracking and breaking down over time. The only way to ensure pavement stays dry is with the right drainage, which includes the slope of the pavement but also drainage ditches or concrete drainage systems.

Crack Sealing

Cracks appear in pavement due to many reasons, including water penetration, sun damage, and physical wear. These conditions can make those cracks get wider and wider until they’ve affected the structural integrity of your pavement. Preventing this is as simple as getting crack sealing services when the cracks are less than 1/4 inch wide.

Asphalt Sealcoating

Is there a way to keep cracks and water damage from happening? That would be a protective sealant over the entire asphalt pavement surface, called a sealcoating. Getting a sealcoating is cheaper than replacing an entire parking lot, and it can put resurfacing off for years.

Your Richmond CA Asphalt Paving & Sealing Experts

Advance Asphalt Inc, Richmond CA’s most experienced paving contractors, have all these paving services to extend the life of your asphalt pavement. If your asphalt driveway or commercial parking lot needs some love, contact us right away.


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